We at LL Medico love helping people and we know a lot of our customers do too. So if you would like to donate your store credit to one of the organizations below, we would be happy to match the amount (max $50 match). For example, if you have $5 in store credit and would like to donate it, we will match that donation amount for a total of $10.
A list of available charities are below. Please email us at support@llmedico.com that you would like to donate your store credit and include the amount you'd like to donate (if less than your total store credit) and who, if anyone, you'd like to donate in the name of.
Total Donated So Far
Charity | Amount |
The Simon Foundation for Continence | $116.20 |
Alzheimer's Foundation of America | $599.00 |
Honor Flight Network | $318.18 |
Project Night Night | $348.60 |
Bob Woodruff Foundation | $52.70 |
Fisher House Foundation | $130.80 |
Pets for the Elderly | $569.50 |
Total: | $2134.88 |
The Simon Foundation for Continence
The mission of the Simon Foundation for Continence is to: “Bring the topic of incontinence out into the open, remove the stigma surrounding incontinence, and provide help and hope to people with incontinence, their families and the health professionals who provide their care.”
Project Night Night
To provide Night Night packages free of charge to homeless children who need our nighttime essentials to feel safe, secure, and ready to learn. Each package contains a security blanket, children's books, and a stuffed animal all nestled in a new canvas tote bag. We serve over 25,000 homeless children each year.
Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA)
The Alzheimer's Foundation of America (AFA) was founded by a consortium of organizations to fill the gap that existed on a national level to assure quality of care and excellence in service to individuals with Alzheimer's disease and related illnesses, and to their caregivers and families. AFA's mission is to provide optimal care and services to individuals confronting dementia, and to their caregivers and families - through member organizations dedicated to improving quality of life. AFA believes that by raising awareness of the disease and educating healthcare professionals and the public at large, we will: help remove the stigma of the disease; lead to early detection and proper treatment; prompt greater utilization of community resources; and ultimately improve quality of life.
Honor Flight Network (HFN)
Honor Flight Network is a non-profit organization created solely to honor America's Veterans for all their sacrifices. We transport our heroes to Washington, D.C. to visit and reflect at their memorials. Top priority is given to the senior Veterans - World War II survivors, along with those other Veterans who may be terminally ill. Many of the Honor Flight Network Hubs have also begun to transition in flying Korean War Veterans and in some cases Vietnam War Veterans to their respective memorials. Since America felt it was important to build memorials to the service and the ultimate sacrifice of her Veterans, the Honor Flight Network believes it's equally important that they actually get to visit and experience THEIR memorial.
Bob Woodruff Foundation
The Bob Woodruff Family Foundation's mission is to ensure injured post-9/11 service members, veterans, and their families are thriving long after they return home. We find and fund innovative programs, with a special emphasis on the hidden injuries, in communities where veterans, their families, and caregivers live and work. We tackle the problems that can prevent our veterans from fulfilling their dreams for the next chapter of their lives. It is by connecting communities with the brave heroes returning to them, that we are best able to provide more than stopgap measures, but long-term solutions that take a holistic approach to recovery.
Pets for the Elderly
The Pets for the Elderly Foundation (PFE) is a 501 (c)(3) public charity whose mission is to provide companionship to senior individuals through pet ownership, while saving the lives of companion animals in shelters; animals which might otherwise be destroyed due to lack of appropriate homes, and space limitations. The Pets for the Elderly Foundation helps pay the fees to participating animal shelters throughout the United States for senior citizens (age 60 and over) who adopt a companion dog or cat from a participating shelter – including pre-adoption veterinary exams and spay/neuter, if part of the adoption fee.
Fisher House Foundation
Fisher House Foundation is best known for its network of 87 comfort homes where military and veterans' families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment. These homes are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide, and in Europe, close to the medical center or hospital it serves. Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths. Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a warm dining room and an inviting living room. Fisher House Foundation ensures that there is never a lodging fee. Since inception, the program has saved military and veterans' families an estimated $500 million in out of pocket costs for lodging and transportation. Fisher House Foundation also operates the Hero Miles Program, using donated frequent flyer miles to bring family members to the bedside of injured service members as well as the Hotels for Heroes program using donated hotel points to allow family members to stay at hotels near hospitals.
Thank you so much for your generosity!
Warmest regards,

Heather & Alex Jensen Owners/Operators